Haul Posts, Video Games

Video Game Haul | Enjoying the Steam Sales

video game haulVAIDEO GAME HAUL | Making the most of the sales.
So I had been wanting to post an end of year Video Game haul since early January but whener I came work on it I suddenly found I had very little energy for it. Now here I am with a broken wrist and more than enough time so lets go!

All games and gaming consoles mentioned within were purchased with my own money or given to me as gifts from friends or family. This post is not sponsored in anyway.

T H E  H A U L

I’ll start with the games I purchased myself due to the Christmas Steam Sales because hello to finally making things a little more affordable!

First up were the two bundles, or almost bundles, I purchased. Dishonored 2 and Prey were bundled together making it roughly £8 for each game (they usually retail at £29.99 and £19.99) and with these both being highly anticipated games I simply couldn’t pass up the chance to own them. Shelter and Shelter 2 could also be purchased as a bundle however this was more expensive than buying them seperately so it’s a good job I checked – ended up only paying £3.58 for them!

Of those 4 I’ve only played the first chapter of Shelter which was super cute as you play as a badger mom trying to keep her cubs safe whilst getting to a new location and making sure they get enough food on the way. However, my boyfriend didn’t think it sounded cute as I kept celebrating killing other smaller creatures to give to my babies!

Night in the Woods (£8.99) and Sunless Sea (£4.75) were the last two games I picked up during the sale and I think both were pretty good bargains too. Whilst I’m desperate to start NITW I think I’ll have to wait till I’m in less pain to enjoy it. I did get to play a little bit of Sunless Sea though and I’m very impressed with it though can definitely see it being a game I’ll enjoy more the more time I sink into it, lol. Sink cause I keep sinking my bloody ships as I’m still learning the best way to make progress.

Capture.PNGOkay so this next list of games I bought too however they weren;t from the sales, these were all a part of the YOGSCAST Jingle Jam through Humble Bundle that they host every December. It’s a huge bundle of games and 100% of the money raised goes to charities, you can choose to split it equally between all those involved, give it all to a select few, or even write in your own charity too!

This is my second year purchasing the Jingle Jam bundle so I know that the chances of me bing interested in all 70~ games is very unlikely. This year to help me not be overwhelmed and ignore them all I only redeemed the games that looked like something I’d play from a quick glance at their visuals, game play, and genre.

These 21 games are what I redeemed but I’ve yet to install and try them out. I cant complain though cause hooray for money to charity!

I also took part in a Digital Secret Santa exchange with a small group of friends and my Santa was very lovely and sent me Heaven Will Be Mine which I spoke about wanting on one of my later Steam Wishlist Clean Ups.

The lovely Tecsiederp and her fiancee also gifted me Yonder (SWCU) and Oxenfree (SWCU) as part of my Christmas present! I haven’t tried either of them out yet but again both were recommended by Tecsie and that made me write about how I was interested in them haha.

A work colleague sent me Vampyr as a thank you (see also: bribe) for covering a shift they couldn’t cover! 

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That brings us up to date with my recently gathered video games and a lil first impression of those I’ve got to play.

Have you played any of these games? Do any of them appeal to you?
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27 thoughts on “Video Game Haul | Enjoying the Steam Sales”

      1. I’m not sure, I feel like a lot of it is clicking. I should know this as someone who does lots of one-handed gaming while drinking tea. Point-and-clicks are a godsend for me!

  1. Shelter sounds so cute!!! You have the best boyfriend! I am yet to be an Eevee owner (to be fair I didn’t know if I could abandon Pikachu for someone else and am still in a moral quandary). I hope your wrist heals up quickly . Take is easy x

  2. Dishonoured 2 was great but I do prefer the first just a little bit more! Well done for writing this post with one hand!! 💜

  3. Aww, Dishonoured 2 was on sale? I really enjoyed the first one but haven’t picked up the 2nd yet.

    Vampyr is one I’ve been meaning to get as well and just… haven’t.

    Hope your hand is starting to hurt a little less!

  4. You managed posting one handed, I hope you have the same luck playing one handed! 😊 enjoy Pokémon 🙊👌🏻

  5. I love Oxenfree and Night in the Woods so much. Night in the woods is harder to play one-handed, but you might be able to do Oxenfree. I can’t wait to hear what you think about them <3. Both of them have some spooks going on.

  6. Let me know how you liked Vampyr. I keep seeing this game around and thought to pick it up but didn’t. I’m interested in knowing your thoughts. Also Prey, from what I’ve seen, fantastic game.

  7. Daaamn, that’s a lot of games !! However, the only steam one i’ve known about is Game Dev Studio.. ahah I had loved to see AttackingTucans playing it, but i’m not sure how i’d be at actually playing myself..

    I wanna get Yonder so much!!! but eh, not playable on mac yet XD I’ve also been craving for Let’s go! eevee but I do not own a switch as of currently 🙃 merp.

  8. However, my boyfriend didn’t think it sounded cute as I kept celebrating killing other smaller creatures to give to my babies! < I snorted as I read this. Currently I got hubs Read Dead Redemption II for his birthday (and I've been playing Spyro remastered trilogy) and I have to say I think he was a bit concerned when I was like 'SHOW ME THE HORSE BALLS THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE'

  9. These all sound great! My brother usually picks up games from Steam, I’m not a gamer myself I’d let him see this post.

  10. Dishonored 2 is an amazing game. Some of the best level design I’ve ever seen in a video game!

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