
Browsing Bloggers Bookshelves | Adele @ Bookish Della

bbsBrowsing Bloggers Bookhselves | Della
I’ve known Della for a good while now thanks to Books and Tea and she blogs at BookishDella! I also know we have a very similar taste in books and I’ve been a bad influence on her recent purchases. I’m looking forward to seeing what her bookshelves are like.

I can’t wait to see her browse my shelves. You can read her post browsing my shelves here.

Want to know how to take part?

We’ll share photographs of our (main) bookshelves with each other so the other person can “browse” them and pick out books they’d recommend, books they suggest to avoid, or books they’d love to read.

I’ve loved doing this and can’t wait to do more but please contact via Twitter DMs or emails. I do have a list of these ready so do anticipate it being a post to schedule for the future if you reach out. Unfortunately if you only reply to a tweet I’m more likely to lose it in the notifications, which I know has happened and I’m trying my best to go and find them…
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Adele’s Bookshelves

I’m very happy that Della sent photographs after she’d gone through and unhauled a lot of books because they’re super tidy and cute! I love the lil Jigglypuff on the first image, I have a few pokemon like this on my windowsill.

I’ll use these emoji’s as a code:
πŸ“š – books to add to my tbr | πŸ“– – read and recommend | πŸ’” – do not recommend
dellabooks1πŸ“– Saga, Vol 1 – 9 by Brian K. Vaughan [purchase] & We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix [purchase]
Saga actually ruined me! Its on a hiatus at the moment and Vol 9’s ending is heartbreaking – absolutely nothing prepared me for it. But I highly recommend it. I also loved We Sold Our Souls so much that I made a playlist to go along with it of every band and song mentioned within! My full review is linked on the title.

πŸ“š The Fever King by Victoria Lee [purchase] & Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire [purchase]
The cover for The Fever King is beautiful and I’ve had it on my wishlist for what seems like forever. I also remember when it came out there was a lot of hype around it.

I recently got a copy of Every Heart which I still haven’t picked up but really want too. It seems like something I’d speed through.dellabooks3πŸ“– Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer [purchase]
I’m fairly certain most people know that I was obsessed with Twilight back when it was being released. It’s one of two series that got me back into reading so I have to give it some love now and then. I need your favourite vampire book recommendations tbh.

πŸ“š Battle Royale by Koushun Takami [purchase]
I own this book but the lower of the two books is the cover that I want more. I will read it one day but I’m ready for it to be a task due to the length and its content.

πŸ’” Orange by Ichigo Takano
Okay so I haven’t actually read this but I watched 2 episode of the anime and it ruined me. Its a very heavy story so I did’nt finish it. If I couldn’t handle watching it then I 100% can’t read it. I know Della bought it as a light read which it is anything but!
dellabooks2πŸ“– Tomie, Uzumaki, Gyo, and Shiver by Junji Ito [purchase] & Other Words for Smoke by Sarah Maria Griffin [purchase]
I love Junji Ito so much!! Like 100% if you’re wanting some great horror manga this is what you need to pick up – it helps that the books themselves are so well designed and look great together.

I tried very hard to not include OWFS but like, honestly, who would I be if not this predictable? Have you read it yet? No? READ IT.

πŸ“š The Call by Peadar O Guilin [purchase] & Spare and Found Parts by Sarah Maria Griffin [purchase]
The Call has been floating around my radar for a while, it seems like a book I really should have. I don’t. Yet.

& because I do like to surprise people… I haven’t read Spare and Found Parts yet. Yikes I know. It’s a priority to read for sure. Everything about it screams that I’ll love it but I’m just kinda stuck rereading OWFS instead.


I imagine a few of these will be a surprise (cough SAFP for sure). I really liked the variety that Della has on her shelves with all the Japanese authors – she also has launched a Japanese Author Book Club so you should definitely consider checking that out if you want to read more.

Did I skip over any of your favourite books?

Which of these books would you recommend?
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13 thoughts on “Browsing Bloggers Bookshelves | Adele @ Bookish Della”

  1. oooooooh Della’s shelves are so pretty! the little knicknacks are adorable, and I loveeeeee the matched sets 😍

    I bought The Fever King but have yet to read it, though I’ve heard lots of good things about it so I’m excited to! also Every Heart is in fact a pretty quick read – partly because it’s short (all the books in the series are, which makes them great for reading back-to-back) and because it’s so engaging, 12/10 would recommend.

    Memoirs of a Geisha has been on my TBR forever since it’s pretty much a classic, though tbqh I’ve never felt ready to tackle it and probably never will so at some point I’ll probably just go for it πŸ˜… as is the case with lots of other books, like Priory haha.

  2. I loved Twilight back in the day too! I was just discussing this with someone too, it was great and I don’t want to go back and reread and find it not as good as I remember πŸ˜‚

  3. I love reading the posts in this series! I still really need to read Other Words for Smoke!

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