Video Games

E3 2019 | 17 video game highlights from EA, Microsoft, and Bethesda

E3 2019 highlights - this image contains the E3 2019 logo with highlights text added below in a shape that represents a brush of paint going through a hexagon shape.E3 2019 | 17 video game highlights
For those who don’t know every year all the video game companies gather at E3 to showcase the games they’ve been working on and tease what is coming out in the following years. I’ve been watching this live for the past 5 years or so regardless of the fact its in America and therefor ruins my sleeping pattern for the time its airing.

Now I actually missed 2 and a half shows so far this year due to work so I’ll have another post on those games once I play catch up. I’m fairly sure this post is long enough that they won’t be missed. I only plan to talk about the video games that caught my eye as I want to focus on the positives and use this as a point of reference of what I’d like to buy when they’re released.
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